Chapter FAQ's

Next meeting on Saturday, March 8th at 5PM.  Click Here for Details.

This is where we will place FAQ's for the website.  If you have an idea or request, feel free to use the contact form to drop the webmaster a note on what you would like to see here.

  • How do I get a userid and password so I can log into the website?
    • You must be a current member of the Kenosha HOG Chapter to be able to login to the website
    • Once you are a member you will receive a welcome email with a link that will let you set your own username and password for the website.
    • The email may go to your junk email folder so be sure and look for it there.
    • If you cannot find the email, or if it's been deleted, please contact either the chapter secretary or the webmaster so the email can be resent.
    • If you have any issues with setting up your account on the website, please contact the webmaster for additional help.
  • How do I change my password?
    • Login to your account
    • Click the 'My account' link in the navigation bar
    • Click the 'Edit' tab in the page that opens
    • Scroll down and enter the new password in the 'Password' and 'Confirm password' fields
    • Scroll to the bottom of the page and click the 'Save' button
  • I forgot my password.  How do I reset it?
    • Select/click 'Login' from the navbar and on the page that opens, click the 'Request new password' tab
    • Enter your account's username, or the account's email address, then click the 'E-mail new password' button
    • An email will be sent with instructions to reset your password
    • Click the one-time link provided in the email
    • This will take you back to the website.  Click on 'Log in'
    • Enter your password
    • Scroll down to the bottom of the page and click the 'Save' button
  • If my membership expires, can I still login to the Kenosha HOG Chapter website?
    • No.  A common reason for not being able to login to the Kenosha HOG Chapter website is that either your National HOG or Kenosha HOG Chapter membership has expired.  You must keep both memberships current in order to access the members only areas of the Kenosha HOG Chapter website.
    • Please note that you must maintain your national membership in order to be a member of the local chapter.  From page 4 of the HOG Chapter Handbook.  *An expired national membership automatically terminates local chapter membership and any associated memberships.*
    • If you believe you are current but are unable to login please contact the webmaster or membership officer to help resolve the issue.
  • What is the HogScan smartphone application?
    • It is an application that was created as a way for Road Captains and board members to quickly and easily check members into events.  Its main purpose is twofold:  less paperwork and to verify member's status as current.
  • Can anyone use the HogScan smartphone application?
    • Yes, but know that the smartphone app is not a scaled down version of the website.  It only shows our event calendar and only three months of the event calendar.
    • There are some members that use it as a way to RSVP to events rather than logging into the website to RSVP.
    • You must first activate your account on the website in order to use the smartphone application.
    • To download and install the app to your smartphone.  Android users go to the Play Store, iPhones users go to the App for 'hogscan'.
    • There is a onetime fee of $0.99 for the app.
    • Once installed, you must first scroll down and select KENOSHA WISCONSIN CHAPTER from the list of chapters so that you'll be able to login.  Your login credentials are the same as those on the website.
  • How do I RSVP to events and activities?
    • There are two easy ways for you to RSVP
      • Through the website
        • Login to the website with your username and password
        • Click 'Calendar' in the navbar to navigate to the calendar (the calendar for the current month will open)
        • Click on the event/activity you want to RSVP to
        • When the page opens click on the 'RSVP to this event' button.  Button wording will change to 'unRSVP to this event' indiating success.
      • Through the smartphone application
        • Login to the app using the same credentials (username & password) that you use to login to the website
        • Tap the CALENDAR icon along the bottom row to open the calendar
        • Tap the event/activity you want to RSVP to
        • Tap the 'thumbs up' icon in the upper right to RSVP (the backgroun of the icon will go from white to orange indicating success)
  • What is RSVP and why do we have it?
    • RSVP (répondez s'il vous plaît) is a fancy French way of saying 'Please respond'.  We use it on our calendar as a way for members to say they will be attending an event (meeting, ride or activity).  When you RSVP to an event you help the coordinator(s) of that event with planning.  For instance:
      • A ride may need to be broken up into two groups for the safety of everyone.
      • A destination restaurant may need an accurate headcount to be able to set-up and accommodate the group.
      • A catered party may need an accurate headcount to ensure there is enough food for the group.
      • A road captain delay the ride if someone is expected to be there.
      • An event/ride coordinator may need to reach out to those who said they were coming to cancel in the event of inclimate weather or event/ride cancellation.
      • When you RSVP to events it speeds up the check-in process.
  • Adding the Kenosha HOG Calendar to Your Phone
  • What is HOG's Breath?
    • HOG's Breath is the name of the Kenosha HOG Chapter newsletter.  It is distributed each month and can be found on this website after logging in.  All members are welcome to submit articles or information for inclusion.
  • What if I am not receiving the HOG's Breath newsletter or other KenoshaHOG Web Blasts?
    • All newsletters are generally available on the website after logging on.
      • Logon to the Kenosha HOG Website using your username and password.
      • Hover over the 'My Account' menu and you will see 'Newsletters'
      • If you are using a mobile device, the menu will be three lines at the upper right.
    • Check your SPAM folder (sometimes your provider thinks we are SPAM...I know...RUDE!)
    • Reach out to the webmaster to ensure that your e-mail address is correct.
  • What happens at the Monthly Chapter Gathering?
    • This meeting occurs on the second Saturday of each month at Uke's Harley-Davidson across the parking log in the HOG Room at 10AM.
    • While no ride is associated with the meeting, it is not uncommon for planned rides to leave directly after the meeting.
    • Officers give monthly updates.
    • The dealership provides updates on their planned activities and there may be a guest speaker.
    • After the business has concluded, this is an excellent opportunity to socialize with fellow riders/enthusiasts and also to make new friends.
    • Meetings typically last an hour.
  • What happens after a meal ride (breakfast, lunch or dinner)?
    • Our rides generally end when we reach our restaurant destination.  Occasionally, some in the group will continue riding following the meal but these rides are not official HOG rides and are not placed on the calendar.
    • Occasionally, a ride will not end there and will continue to another destination or return to the dealership as an end point.  The road captain will communicate this prior to the ride starting.
  • What does Full/Empty mean?
    • It means to show up to the ride with a full tank of gas and your bladder's empty.
    • This should be assumed for all rides unless the ride starts at a gas station or it is communicated that the ride will go directly to a gas station first.
    • Do not assume that the dealership or HOG room are open for restroom use prior to a ride (Not all rides that begin at the dealership leave during business hours and not all road captains or attendees have access to the buildings)
  • Will we stop for gas?
    • You should arrive at the dealership with a full tank of gas.  The road captains usually plan the ride with the assumption that you have a full tank when we leave the dealership.  The road captain will generally schedule a rest/fuel stop for rides of 100 miles or more.  This will be communicated prior to the ride leaving.
  • Are there stops along the way on these rides?
    • Stopping is at the discretion of the road captain.  You will find most road captains will stop hourly for a break at a gas station.  However, that's not a firm requirement.  This will typically be communicated prior to the ride leaving.
    • If you have concerns, please ask the road captain prior to the ride leaving.
  • Can I bring a friend on a ride?
    • Sure, but due to HOG guidelines, your friend will need to sign a waiver before the ride leaves the dealership.
    • If the ride is an overnight ride, please reach out to the ride organizer to confirm that this will not create a problem.
  • Can I bring my kids on a ride?
    • Yes, but again, non-members must sign a waiver.  If the child is under 18, a parent or guardian must sign the waiver for the child.
    • In addition, children 12-17 will be required to sign their own waiver.
  • What's with all this legal stuff?
    • Kenosha HOG is bound to follow national HOG guidelines.
    • The waivers we sign are mandated by national HOG for the protection of the Kenosha Wisconsin HOG Chapter and the officers.
    • As members sign a waiver yearly, the waivers signed for rides only apply to persons who are not Kenosha Wisconsin HOG Chapter members.
  • What is the Kenosha Wisconsin HOG Chapter alcohol policy?
    • It's just a policy that makes sense.  There is to be no alcohol prior to, or enroute to, our destination.  Once the ride is declared officially over, you may drink if you wish.  Of course, you should always drink responsibly, and remember you are not in a cage.  Motorcycles and alcohol are a very dangerous mix.
  • Can I lead a ride?
    • Absolutely!  All you have to do is pick your favorite desintation or restaurant and schedule the ride at one of the meetings.
    • You should plan to pre-ride your route several days prior to the ride and make a reservation at the restaurant (if it is a restaurant ride).
    • If you need help in planning the ride or want help in leading/running the ride, reach out to a road captain.  One of the road captains will be glad to help!
  • How do I get to know people?
    • Just pick an event and show up.
    • A ride (especially a meal ride) is a great opportunity to meet people.
    • Ensure that the road captain knows this is your first event as they can help introduce you if you wish.
    • Any number of people can show up for a ride, generally anywhere between 5 and 10 people on average.
  • I haven't ridden with a group before, so what should I do?
    • Don't let your lack of group riding experience keep you at home.
    • Reach out to the Director, Head Road Captain or any road captain you are comfortable with and ask them for help.  They will be happy to explain the rules, hand signals, riding formations (single file vs staggered) and possibly schedule time where they can ride with you the first time on a short ride.
    • Let the road captain on the ride know you haven't ridden in a group before and they will likely have you ride closer to the front so they can keep an eye on you as well as offer advice at stops.
    • Ask to ride near the front.  The pace is generally more even at the front of the group, and you are less likely to experience anxiety if the group becomes separated.
  • Well, I really haven't ridden much at all so can I still ride with the group?
    • If you are a beginner, we suggest you team up with one of our Road Captains or Safety Officer to determine when and how to begin friding with the group.
    • Our goal is to get you riding safely with the group as soon as you are comforably able to
  • What is a Rally?
    • A rally is a planned gathering of motorcyclists for a weekend or a week at some pre-determined location.  There are HOG rallies, state rallies, national rallies, and regional dealership associations' ralllies.
    • These rallies are designed to allow you to ride with a group of friends to an interesting destination where you will often find good roads, good food, interesting things to buy and other motorcyclists who share your interest.
  • How far in advance do I have to plan if I want to attend a rally?
    • You should get hotel reservations around ~6 months in advance of most rallies.
    • Very big rallies such as Daytona or Sturgis or major Harley anniversary parties may require planning in advance of a year.